Tuesday, April 8, 2008

this is my current single status....

i looked at this picture the other day, taken almost three years ago, on the rooftop of stella's. this was a favorite hangout of ours during that summer. this night, we decided to have a "true" bachelorette party.... meaning, we were all single and celebrating that status, loud and proud.

three years later..... one is married and pregnant, the other two are engaged and i am right where they left me– single.

i wrestle with the issue constantly. the questions seem to bubble up when they're least expected.

what's wrong with me? will i never be able to maintain a successful relationship? when is it MY turn? is it really okay to be alone?

lately, my answer to the last question has been more often than not: YES.

for the first time in a really long time, i am truly enjoying my life. the happiness is palpable. (i contribute that to the spiritual teachings i've adopted, regular workouts and the happylite. seriously.) that which i don't like about my life (i.e. my job), i'm taking the necessary steps to fix. that which i love..... my friends, family, leo, the city, happy hour, and "keeping up with the kardashians" (of course), i'm basking in.

but those questions will always be there, voices in my head i have to constantly remind myself to quiet. i've accepted this, and now i'm ready to move onward and upward. like it or not, it IS my turn!

what's next? who knows. but hopefully my journey will prove entertaining for all who decide to stay tuned in......


MarenE said...

Wow, Brooke! You have a eloquent way with words! I love how you describe how you're feeling. I've been feeling that way too...especially with a wedding around the corner this weekend. I am actually starting to be ok with my life too. I think that is so important before diving into a relationship. It's the relationship you have with yourself that is so precious and becomes the foundation for any and all other relationships. Well done, my friend!

kari.jackson said...

Love it girl. And you know I will 'stay tuned!'

angie said...

i like how my arm is the size of andrea in that picture.