Thursday, April 10, 2008

current obsessions, vol. 1

i started reading "a new earth" after josh convinced me it would change my life. as always, he was right.

the book really emphasizes the present moment, and the power of just being. i cannot believe what this seemingly obvious concept has done for me. i truly feel the "satori", or enlightenment, that mr. tolle talks about throughout the book.

from mr. tolle: "life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. how do you know this is the experience you need? because this is the experience you are having at this moment."


i fell in love with meiko after seeing her perform with the hotel cafe tour at the high noon saloon in madison, wis. last month. her voice was powerful and incredible, and it definitely translates from live show to CD. perfect to to play at full volume on a rainy day, candles lit, wine in hand.....

as everyone who's had any sort of contact with me within the last few months knows, i am an obama girl, loud and proud. this is not to say that i'm closed minded and i shun my friends who are mccain or even (gasp!) hilary boys and girls. i pride myself on being open-minded.

but i whole-heartedly beli
eve that obama has the power to bring this country together and change the world. aside from his policy proposals and stances on the issues, i believe him to be one of the, if not THE, most inspirational people of the 21st century.

i am so excited to see the changes that 2008 brings in the political arena, and i am counting down the days until november 4. i'm also a strong advocate for exercising civil rights and responsibilities, so i encourage everyone to educate themselves on the candidates and VOTE!!

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