Friday, April 11, 2008

the art of de-friending

facebook should really come with warnings.

ever since i took the plunge and created a profile a year ago, facebook has been the enabler to my self-destructive behavior of checking my ex-boyfriend's profile. it's not that i necessarily want to, and it's not like we're actually friends. besides an awkward run-in at a regina spektor concert last year (where i also had the pleasure of meeting his young, blonde, cute and perky little girlfriend), i haven't hung out with him in ages.

but with facebook, his life is right there, an open book tempting me to turn its pages. curiosity killed the cat, and it's been killing me slowly as well. this aggravates me, and HE aggravates me. no, i should say his self-righteous status updates aggravate me. his constant facebook conversations with his girlfriend aggravate me. and the fact that i care is the icing on top of this beautiful aggravation cake.

STATUS UPDATES?? and FACEBOOK CONVERSATIONS?? is this what i really care about, what i let get under my skin? no no no no. this is not me. or at least it's not who i want to be.

so today, i took matters into my own hands. i de-friended him.

now, if i were to float outside of myself and look at this whole issue, it's really quite laughable. the fact that i carefully considered the act of de-friending him and the implications that it might have before i actually went through with it. really. who thinks that much about de-friending someone? or perhaps i should say– who cares that much what their crazy ex-boyfriend thinks of them?

not me. not anymore.

and you know– it feels good.

especially the part where i'm able to laugh at myself for all of this.

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