Tuesday, April 15, 2008

sunday funday

one of my absolute favorite things about being a single city girl is waking up with absolutely no plans, excitedly wondering where my day is going to take me.

sunday was one of those fabulously unexpected days. the early afternoon was spent browsing through the racks of my absolute favorite vintage store in NE with jackie, one of my absolute favorite shopping buddies. $20 and an adorable vintage outfit later, we walked out the door and celebrated my new find with an afternoon cocktail.... just because we could.

we ventured back into my neck of the woods to meet up with the boys at my neighborhood gay bar. it was a gorgeous day outside, and jackie and i happily chatted as we walked the two blocks to the bar. after a couple cocktails (and an incredibly amusing hour and a half), we walked back to my place for some girl talk on my front stoop. the sun was shining and it was even warm enough for me to shed my sweater, reminding me that summer is just around the bend.

i ended the day with some wonderfully trashy reality tv and settled into my big, comfortable bed, content and ready for my week to begin.

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