Thursday, April 24, 2008

the rules according to brooke

a good friend ( once told me that before you write a man off, you should give him at least three dates. the reasoning? the first date is like a horrible job interview (my single girls are nodding knowingly to this one). the second date is a bit more relaxed, but the third date is when you can really start to unwind and feel comfortable "being yourself."

this advice inspired me, as i'm always the girl to write someone off if there aren't immediate sparks. i need fireworks and blaring trumpets before i commit to a second date. unfortunately for me, i only hear trumpets with one type of man– The Jerk. (guess i should've realized a long time ago those trumpets were warning me, not encouraging me.) and since i am officially over The Jerks, i decided to give this bit of advice a try.

enter adam.* adam and i are the victims of a set-up by a mutual friend. (really, i don't mind set-ups. i just find it humorous how constant set-up attempts can sometimes be.) a few weeks ago, we met for a group happy hour at an uptown pub.... there were lots of people and we weren't able to talk a whole lot, but what i did learn of him, i liked. sweet, cute, nice, fit in well with my crazy girls (which can be nearly impossible to achieve at times), and my crazy girls liked him. there weren't immediate sparks on my end, but keeping my new rule in mind, i decided to give it another shot.

this past tuesday, adam and i met up at my neighborhood coffee house for a latte and conversation. the conversation flowed easily, and his dimples were much cuter than i remembered. although he was in a flirtatious mood and i was in full-blown political mode (the pennsylvania primary got me all hot and bothered, i was itching to go home and turn on CNN), we meshed well, and he humored me with political conversation. we ended our casual little date with a hug. no promises to see each other again, no kiss, no awkwardness.

i still wasn't sure i felt any sparks with him, but the next morning, as i made my coffee, i thought of him and smiled.

i guess there may just be a third date after all.

*name changed to protect the innocent brave enough to date me.


MarenE said...

Good for you! ....all this coming from the girl who JUST told me she's writing off men altogether! :) I'm glad it went so well with *adam. I can't wait to hear how your thrid date goes. We seriously need to get together and swap stories/get caught up!

p.s. My good friend Andrea (who comments on my blog as well) sent me a facebook message saying she absolutely LOVES my friend's "wine in the afternoon" blog. When she reads it she feels like she's reading a page or chapter from a book. And she wants you to actually write a book. Thought yous should know!!

angie said...

i think this time around you truly understand the concept of 'low expectations' and aren't secretly stashing some high ones in the back of your mind.

and i have to laugh, because if i ever played a game where there were 'rules according to brooke', i'd be a bit scared... but SUPER eager to play. ;)

kari.jackson said...

I would totally agree with the comment you should write a book. I LOVE reading your postings ~ you definitely have a gift for putting into humorous and caring words, your crazy daily life :)
love ya