Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the spark update.

as previously mentioned, i am crushing impossibly hard on the left fielder on my softball team.

he's good-looking in that charming, old-fashioned way– curly strawberry blond hair, big blue eyes, freckled skin. he has this quiet, mysterious personality that intrigues me to no end. our mutual friend waxes on about what a great guy he is. top that off with the discovery of an "i heart my cat" bumper sticker on his car last week, and it's official. i'm in love.

not that he has any indication whatsoever of this. because when i'm around him, my confidence mysteriously disappears and i turn into a bumbling idiot. the four sentences we'd exchanged as of a month ago have turned into about ten, and they've gotten me nowhere.

finally, though, this morning– an opportunity.

our mutual friend asked me to join her for music & movies in the park in my neighborhood on wednesday night. i casually asked her if i perhaps should invite my spark. she responded enthusiastically and told me that yes, i should email him and invite him along.

one email sent, one anxious girl spending the day biting her nails and waiting for a response......

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