Wednesday, July 2, 2008

life is a highway....

as i walked home from my fun-filled weekend with the boys and my girl, happily exhausted and ready to fall into my couch for an evening of trashy TV, i decided to call benjamin. just to see what he was doing.

"oh, i'm just getting a bath ready for the baby."

(i should probably mention at this point that benjamin is, in fact, a single dad to a 14-month-old child.)

i stopped dead in my mini-dress and cowboy boots. here i was, 7pm on sunday evening, walking home from a day with friends, after having spent a blurry weekend filled with drinks, dancing, conversation and pizza, not a care in the world– and he was at home with his child.

i knew from the start that he had a child. i was willing to go with it, because i thought to myself– i'm in my twenties. at some point i have to settle down. perhaps this is my time.

but it's not.

i'm a single city girl whose only major responsibility is a silly little cat. and while it might not be enough for some, i absolutely love it. i love going out for thai at the drop of a hat, i love movie nights at home by myself, i love random nights of dancing that happen by chance, just because they can.

and he's a suburban boy with A CHILD. feedings and baths and bedtimes and major, major responsibilities. and while it might be absolutely wonderful for some, right now, it's just not for me.

and that's perfectly okay.

1 comment:

kari.jackson said...

does that mean it's...over?? i wish you were out here and we could go get thai together....i have it already like twice a week - and if i DON'T for some reason, i go thru withdraw!!!!
love ya,