Monday, July 21, 2008

low-key weekend= all kinds of awesome

friday night was homemade stir-fry and ps i love you, a sappy love story about a woman who loses her husband and spends the rest of the movie trying to find herself. i'm almost ashamed to say i bawled my way through it, except sometimes a good cry through a cheesy movie can feel wonderful.

saturday was the much-anticipated "girls day" on the boat in eagle lake. despite a quick rainstorm (from which we took shelter in a house that could've been on MTV's "cribs...." complete with theater room and art gallery), we lazily floated through our day, finally docking around 9pm. tanned and tired, i headed home for another early bedtime.

sunday i finally experienced the mpls institution that is hidden beach. with bongos as background music and the slight scent of pot filling the air, matt and i caught up on life under the hot sun amongst the dreadlocked and tattooed hippies. he even got me to take a dip in the infamous
mud pit, for about five seconds. (which equaled a 45-minute shower upon my return home.)

a few groceries and a couple more chapters of obama's life later, i tucked myself in. another great weekend giving way to the start of the workweek. which will surely be spent planning next weekend.

oh, how i love summer.


angie said...

oh no - i'm now getting your weekend update via blog! :( i need to start using my communicator more often. and holy crap jackie you are super blond!

ajs {of MN} said...

another chica from high school- such a small world!! (Lisa S.)