Thursday, July 10, 2008

barbie goes to work.

after spending the first two days of the week rotating between the doctor, my couch, and the kitchen for more juice (and antibiotics), i am proud to say i've relinquished my status as an invalid and have once again joined rank with the three-dimensional world. and i must say– it feels good.

my first day back at work this week, my "hump day," i was given a raise and loads of praise by my boss. not a bad way to ease back into the work week, if i do say so myself. later that afternoon, i got a frantic call from one of the producers of a local radio show, desperately needing a guest. being the savvy PR girl that i am, i arranged for a colleague of mine to be interviewed, and i decided to go along, play publicist, and take some pictures.

walking home from downtown after the interview in my beige pencil skirt, big brown belt, lacy shirt and heels, i told a friend i was chatting with on the phone that i felt so "barbie goes to work." amongst all the career men and women, i felt like such a career woman myself. and then it hit me.

i AM a career woman! (for a lack of a better word– is it just me or does "career woman" sound so 1958?)

sure, i don't have my "dream job," i might not have the corner office with the view or oodles of responsibility, but i'm right where i should be. i'm getting those much sought-after resume experiences, and i'm excelling at them. i don't mind getting up for work in the morning, and after spending two days chained to the couch with no human contact (other than an incredibly eccentric doctor), i realized that i quite enjoy getting up and going into the office.

if i'm not already in my element, i'm well on my way to getting there.

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