Tuesday, April 14, 2009

from the mind of erica jong...

i've recently begun reading fear of flying, mostly out of obligation, as it's one of The Classics, but also because it's been hailed as a book that "defines feminity and sexuality." two of my favorite things, naturally.

thus far, i've found it to be slightly pretentious and hard to follow, but 173 pages or so in, i found a couple passages that spoke to me.

"i knew that that the women who got the most out of life (and out of men) were the ones who demanded most, that if you acted as if you were valuable and desirable, men found you valuable and desirable, that if you refused to be a doormat, nobody could treat on you."

lesson learned: i AM valuable and desirable, and i've NEVER treated myself as such. no matter what a man thinks, that's what i think and even on my worst day, that's what i'll keep telling myself. because i never want to be a doormat-- for anyone-- again.

"all women think they're ugly, even pretty women. a man who understood this could f**k more women than don giovanni. they all find fault with their figures. they all think their asses are too big, their breasts too small, their thighs too fat, their ankles too thick. "

lesson learned: stop obsessing. immediately. what's the point?

the statement is much more profound than that response deserves and i could most certainly dive deeper, but i'm late for a conference call.

time to put on my "career woman" hat....

1 comment:

angie said...

great excerpts!

also, i think that when Woman A hears that Woman B loves her body and think it's "perfect", Woman A is quick to (at least mentally) point out her flaws, roll her eyes, and think that Woman B is just full of herself.

and a man would simply agree with Woman B. well, a good man that is.