Friday, April 10, 2009

(last) weekend recap.

1. britney was great, even though she lip-synched the entire concert. just as well, homegirl can dance, and i was satisfied exchanging actual live music for fireworks, confetti, circus performers and really slutty outfits. (speaking of, i think friday night was the last time my 26-year-old ass will ever wear a black sequined mini-dress in public. RIP, mini-dress, RIP.)

2. my hatred for every bar on first and hennepin avenue (between 3rd and...oh...wherever the saloon is) only became stronger as i sat in one of the meat market bars post-britney and was forced to watch aging frat boys in collared polos pick up overly excited britney fans in sequined mini-dresses. (ummmm....)

3. vodka + gay men + drunk cousin + stanky legg= greatest remedy for sadness ever.

4. my love for 'object of my affection' (jennifer aniston + my BFF paul rudd) is second only to my great desire to have a baby with a gay man. (if you don't understand what i'm talking about, you don't understand the brilliance of 'object of my affection.')

5. sunday happens to be one of my least favorite days (next to monday- thursday), but watching my dad intensely photographing flowers at the conservatory with his jacket tied around his waist as my mom chatters on about knitting dishcloths and bunnies makes it all a little bit better.

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