Monday, April 20, 2009

weekend recap.

much like old people can feel a good thunderstorm coming on in their knees, i know when summer is here when i run into an old boyfriend. i live in a neighborhood that houses not just one, but two exes. i've seen neither all winter long, but when i ran into ex #1 as i got off the bus on friday afternoon, i realized that hibernation season is over and summer is in fact here. (nice, short, casual conversation... and i still made it to happy hour on time.)

i experienced psycho suzi's patio in 75-degree weather for the first time this season and it was glorious. even the guy inexplicably wrapped up in a snuggie* seemed to be enjoying the warm weather and tropical atmosphere.

watching a twins game 30 rows up in between home plate and first base is nothing like watching it from the nosebleeds. especially when your killer seats are free. twins swept the angels in a three game series and this is as interested as i've been in baseball.... ever.

*inspired by psycho suzi's snuggie patron, my roommate and i decided to have a photo shoot on saturday night with my very own snuggie. lots of silliness ensued and while we both admitted that this is likely reason #578 why we're single, we also couldn't have imagined a more fun place to be on saturday night. (except maybe on a date? nah......)

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