Tuesday, February 17, 2009

nightmare vs. reality

the last few nights, it's been like clockwork. i wake up with a gasp, dripping in sweat, hazy with sleep, wondering if the nightmare is real. they've all been so different, yet completely similar in their horrendous nature.

i've witnessed scenes in my nightmares that i don't wish to repeat in reality. but these nightmares have been so real, they've made me re-evaluate the way i live my reality.

and the reality is-- there's always something to complain about. i'm not thin enough; my hair isn't long enough. i don't own a house i'm not sure i'll ever have a successful relationship.

but i also have a college degree and a job that relates directly to my degree and my interests. i have an active social life and i live in a hip neighborhood in the heart of the city. i might not have a child quite yet, but i do have a cute little cat, whom i love with all my heart. (and i graciously accept and embrace all of the "crazy cat lady" references, thank you.)

life is good and i am LIVING it. so for that, i thank my insanely real nightmares for showing me what life very well COULD be like-- and for shutting up those nagging negative voices in my head.

1 comment:

angie said...

my last nightmare involved me having a child that was 4 feet tall at birth. and the 'other mother' was carla from top chef - the tall, bug-eyed black woman.

:) sweet dreams