Friday, May 2, 2008

current obessions, vol. 2

happy friday from my front stoop! (well, okay, technically this is the view from the side stoop....)

cream cheese wontons
quite possibly the cheapest, easiest recipe i've ever made, and the one that gets the absolute most praise. (however, i'm still working on perfecting my guacamole recipe, and i have high hopes that it will give this one a run for its money!) a less fattening version of the appetizer you can get in asian restaurants everywhere.

in the produce section at the grocery store, pick up a pack of wonton wrappers.... usually by the pre-packaged salads. what you put in them is up to you. i usually do cream cheese/jalapeno, or a cream cheese/herb mix. my cousin likes to make them with crabmeat, and my aunt likes to make them a sweet treat with brown sugar, cinnamon and butter.

whatever mix you decide to do (get creative, that's the fun part!), put a small spoonful into the center of the wonton wrapper. fold up the corners, and put in a muffin tin. after that, i bake them at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown.

they are tasty, delicious little pieces of heaven that i could eat every day. (and sometimes, i do.)

chelsea lately
i have a delusional fantasy that in my next life, chelsea handler and i are best friends. i just feel like we're such an obvious pair. (okay angie, i take it back. we're all an obvious threesome. he he.) clearly, we mesh. and can you imagine the raunchy dating stories that would be told among us? priceless.

the only time i ever get to see my BFF is at 5:30 on weeknights on E! (i've got to catch the reruns, as i'm far too old to stay up for the 10:30pm broadcast), and if i miss her, my world just isn't right. her humor, while a bit crass for some, often leaves me cracking up on the floor, leaving my cat to wonder what's in that glass i'm drinking out of. (it's wine, leo.)

my front stoop
i get oddly and exceptionally giddy when the weather turns warm. if i'm at work, i'll excitedly look out the window every 10 minutes or so, making sure it's still nice out and counting down the minutes until 4pm when i can high tail it out of my office and onto my front stoop.

being the city girl that i am, i don't really have an excluded porch surrounded by trees.... what you see is what you get with me! and what i got, i love. i love inviting a couple of friends over, making some cocktails, sitting on my stoop, admiring the crazies and unwinding from the workday. neither my friends nor the crazies (sometimes they're one in the same) ever fail to amuse me.

ah, the joys of summer.......


angie said...

brooke, we WILL meet chelsea some day. maybe next year, maybe in 50 years - god, can you imagine the 3 of us together in our late 70's? that would be a show in itself.

kari.jackson said...

wow, that is an incredible view!