Wednesday, May 21, 2008

hop on!

transitions are happening all around me. the feeling is one of uncertainty.... the only certain thing is that it's all changing.

one friend dealing with a devastating breakup, another excitedly and nervously preparing for the birth of her first child. one friend taking the big step and moving in with her boyfriend, one planning her wedding, and one struggling to raise a little boy as a single mother. most everyone contemplating their careers, wondering how to best climb that corporate ladder to the job of their dreams while being stuck in one that reeks of reality.

marriages, births, breakups, career changes, moves to foreign cities.... life never really does stop. nothing is at a standstill. it seems like we spent our teenage years waiting in line, and now we finally get to experience the big freakin rollercoaster that is our twenties.

a few christmases ago, my mom gave me a book titled "quarter-life crisis." my first instinct was to be deeply offended– what, did i look like i was the midst of a full-blown crisis? i was 21, a senior in college, preparing to graduate and enter "the real world."

four years later and knee deep in this "real world," i understand where she was coming from when she picked that book out for me. not only is everyone around me seemingly leading chaotic, uncertain lives, but i too am really just trying to figure it all out. i don't have the job i want, i rent an apartment instead of owning a home, i don't have a boyfriend, and my mom still calls about four times a day. (bless her sweet heart.)

but what i do i have, i love. what is yet to come is still unknown. and you know– that's okay. because i'm confident in my ability to find beauty in the midst of all of this chaos, enjoy the ride while i'm on it, and look back at it fondly when i'm finally able to stop moving and see things clearly....

if that ever happens.


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