Thursday, September 24, 2009

the match diaries- entry #4.

this is it, kids. i'm shutting the book on online dating... at least for now.

date with match guy #2 finally happened on tuesday night- happy hour margaritas at the tex/mex bar in my neighborhood. i don't think i've ever had a less enjoyable time with a margarita in hand.

not that he was necessarily BAD... he was cute. nice. beautiful smile, which is my favorite thing about a man.

but he talked about himself the. entire. time. i gather it was more from nervousness than arrogance, but he did not ask one question to compliment the 47 that i asked him. forty long minutes into our date, i decided to stop interjecting about myself (i.e. he talked about his brothers, i naturally told him i had a sister) to see if that would make him realize what he was doing and ask a question or two. not so. when he was done talking and i was done commenting on what he was talking about- silence.

so. when my margarita was finally (finally) done and the bartender asked if we wanted another, i politely but quickly declined. match guy paid the tab, walked me to my car and asked me out for another date this weekend. i told him i was busy (the truth), dodged what i gathered to be an attempt at a kiss and slid into my car.

i'm still trying to decide if i want to give him one more shot (only because his demeanor did not appear to be arrogant in the least...and i do really dig a beautiful smile), but i'm weighing the possibility of it turning into something great versus making myself sit through another bad date.

and so i say goodbye to match and its futile attempts at setting me up!

1 comment:

kari.jackson said...

geez. that's a bummer...but, i see your point about potentially giving him another shot. only cause i know that sometimes first impressions are really hard to make good (especially if you're nervous).
but, that would certainly suck to have to sit through another date of listening to him babble on solely about himself :(