Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the match diaries- entry #3.

in three weeks, we launch a huge virtual client conference at work. which means crazy hours and lots and lots of work. in a little over one week, i am packing up and moving myself and leo to a new apartment. and through all of this, i am supposed to find some time every night to sit down with match and go through the emails and the "winks" i've received and try to find a suitable suitor.

needless to say, i've had to force myself to do so... and it most certainly hasn't happened every night. guy mentioned in the previous match post fell to the wayside. my guesses as to why? his lack of interest and my lack of caring.

i've been emailing with a nice uptown guy these last couple of weeks and just hit the "send" button on an email requesting a happy hour date this saturday night.

other than that... i've got nothing. oh, except the fact that two real-life guy friends have found me on the site. one wished me luck and the other told me i "shouldn't be on here" and that i was "far too nice and pretty to not have a guy."

i'm not quite sure how to respond to that. except that yes, i AM far too nice and pretty, which is why i haven't settled for the ugly d*ckheads (okay, none of them were ugly) i've dated thus far. and what's a nice, pretty girl to do except turn to technology for help?

as my mom tells me, i really to need to "get over myself." :)

happy dating/working/moving!

1 comment:

angie said...

i can't believe you're moving already! how exciting... and probably a bit overwhelming at the same time.

keep me posted on the matches and non-matches!