Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the match diaries- entry #2.

the first match guy threw out his number a week ago.

a marketer from southern california transplanted to minneapolis, he captured my attention with his witty email rapport. i wasn’t sure how it would translate from email to the phone or in person, but i decided it was worth the risk, so i threw my number right back at him.

we talked on saturday as i was decorating for the birthday bash. we texted multiple times on saturday night (hey, that’s what happens when you give the birthday girl a liquid concoction labeled “curiouser and curiouser...”) and on sunday morning, he asked if i’d like to do brunch. i paid my $60 dues to match for a reason- what the hell, right? we decided to meet at noon at a favorite brunch spot in uptown.

he was just as witty, sweet and smart in person as i originally found him to be online- and he had cute dimples to top it off. i was running through random online dating horror stories in my mind as i sat across from him... but then he asked if i wanted to taste his tomato basil soup, smiled his cute smile and held out his spoon for me.

a good sign, right? who knows. i like him. (i think) he likes me. despite my crazy over-analytical mind, communication since sunday brunch has been...simple. sweet. funny.

a good first match, if i do say so myself.

1 comment:

kari.jackson said...

ooh, sounds exciting! keep me updated ;o)