Wednesday, June 17, 2009

what's going on?

life, as it usually does in summer, has taken a busy turn for me.

there is, of course, the softball team i've been guilted into (but secretly enjoy being a part of) for the last four years. i'm still a right field rockstar and i've found that last year's spark is still as cute as ever. (but after dating him, i think i'll keep him as eye candy.)

i've recently joined the events committee of the liz logelin foundation, which i'm very excited to be a part of. look for more information coming soon...

work is crazy and fun as ever. (who knew i'd ever use the word "fun" to describe working at a bank??) i'm throwing a bridal shower and bachelorette party for a dear friend this weekend and likely hosting impromptu gay pride parties with my roommate the next, i can't get enough of the sun and i've become addicted to the twilight series, which means the only man in my life right now (besides leo) is robert pattinson. yes, it's true. hello, my name is brooke and i'm a robert pattinson addict.

life is good.

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