Tuesday, June 9, 2009

the crazies.

i live downtown minneapolis, work downtown st. paul, and take the bus in between. therefore, i see a lot of crazy sh*t.

highlights from the past month:
* the clown on stilts playing the accordian walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood
* the man with a braided rat tail down to his butt walking in the skyway
* the man sitting next to me on the bus with a background picture of a dead clown in a casket on his laptop (which wasn't so much a "highlight" as it was "completely terrifying")
* the (normal-looking) businessman who shared the elevator with me on the way up to the gym.... and stared at me while breathing heavily the entire five floors up
* the old man dressed as a woman who likes to talk to anyone within hearing range about sarah palin like she's a family member (i'm blessed to be able to ride the bus with this one on a frequent basis... thank goodness for ipods)

i love this little city i live in.

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