Friday, September 26, 2008

live blogging.... on the debate.

8:02 PM first debate! so, so exciting. goosebumps all over. (i'm just that girl.)
8:04 PM i really do wish obama would stop using the phrase "defining moment." i'm 100% behind you mr. obama, but. we get it already.
8:11 PM obama: "we need accountability, but not just when there's a crisis." preach on.
8:12 PM oh, a little humor! a self-depricating mccain joking about his old age! i love it. until i think of his old age, and the next-in-line being sarah palin, and then.... not so funny.

8:14 PM oh, spending in washington is out of control, mr. mccain? you must be referencing the $5,000 a second we're spending on the iraq war, right? okay, just wanted to check.
8:18 PM love the split screen. it's so rosie o'donnell/elizabeth hasselbeck!
8:19 PM mccain made a coupl
e of funnies to himself. he he.
8:23 PM is it just me, or does obama's hair look significantly grayer? poor guy. this whole campaigning business has quite obviously taken its toll on him.
8:27 PM thank you for mentioning hybrid vehicles, obama. they are what i spend my weekdays pushing to the public and to the media. ahhhhh, and my work (hopefully) means something. soon.
8:32 PM "wrong-headed?" hmmmm, obama, use a different phrase please. you've got a lot of them in your vocabulary.
8:37 PM mccain: "i've fought unnecessary and wasteful spending....", $5,000 a second?
8:38 PM is this the third time mccain has used "miss congeniality" in reference to himself? just wondering.
8:30 PM first mention of sarah palin!! i've been waiting for this all night.
8:42 PM FOUR THOUSAND LIVES. so, so sad.
disclaimer: i am a liberal who fully supports our brave troops. but to me, troop support and administration support are two very, very different things.
8:45 PM uh oh, here comes the inevitable patriotism plug those conservatives are so fond of endlessly pushing.
8:48 PM quick cake break, because i fully support obama's position that we need more troops in afghanistan. chocolate will just help this broken record go down a little easier.***
***8:52 PM leo
looks at me with eyes of judgment, like perhaps i shouldn't be eating said piece of cake. need to run to the kitchen to get him a treat.***
8:59 PM can someone please explain to me what "failure" means in terms or iraq? i mean, there are no weapons of mass destruction. sadam hussein is dead. isn't it time to move those troops to afghanistan and focus on the taliban and finding bin laden?
9:00 PM obama mentioned green bay.... he's got my mom's vote.
9:05 PM the right-wing use of the politics of fear is so incredibly frustrating.
9:08 PM diplomacy should be the cornerstone of foreign policy. YES. WE. CAN.
9:17 PM i'm really surprised the fact that russia is neighbors with sarah palin hasn't come up yet.
9:24 PM yep. 90 minutes is definitely long enough for a debate. my ADD is totally kicking in.
9:26 PM oh no. the inevitable 9/11 question.
9:36 PM yes we can, mr. obama. YES WE CAN.

signing off... hope you've enjoyed.

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