Tuesday, August 12, 2008

this is what MY 26 looks like.

dancing the night away at "too much love"

this week, i turn 26. TWENTY-SIX.

why is it that 26 seems so much older than 25? and shouldn't a 26-year-old know what she wants to do for a career, shouldn't she be starting to think about settling down, perhaps buying a house and having some babies?

at least that's what i hear my 18-year-old self (and my mother) screaming at my newly minted 26-year-old self.

but this is MY 26.

i still really have no idea what i want to do in terms of a career (though i feel i've started down the right path), but i'm having a lot of fun dreaming about the possibilities. and, at this point in my life, i don't really care to settle down and have babies– i've got the girls, the gays and my cat.

yes, all the makings of a true spinster. (but a fashionable one, at the very least.)

maybe by 30 this spinster will have a different mindset. but for now, i'm going to leap into 26.... and enjoy every moment of it.

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