Thursday, August 21, 2008

the little weekend road trip.

this weekend, this not-so-single city girl is making the trek up to fargo, north dakota for the first time in two years. two years and two babies later, i cannot wait to see my college friends and their children.

"their children."

even though the first one was born eight months ago, it's still a phrase i can't believe i'm uttering, as having children of my own still seems so foreign to me. three hours west on interstate 94 and i'll be entering a new planet.

the last time i was in my college town, the memories of studying for a final, having all-night sex and the city marathons, drinking cheap champagne and giggling over new boyfriends were all still fresh. four years after graduation, the memories are becoming hazier... but they mean just as much.

this weekend, bottles of champagne will surely be replaced by bottles of milk, and instead of giggling over a new boyfriend, i will be oogling a new baby– and i couldn't be happier about it.

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