Tuesday, June 17, 2008

summer sparks

it seems as though summer is upon us. the temperature hasn't dipped below 50 degrees in several weeks, i haven't gone to bed at a decent time on a friday or saturday night since late april, my closet is bursting with color with all of my flirty summer dresses, and i myself am bursting with flirtatious energy.

the long, cold, man-less winter (with but a few sporadic dates) has given way to the heat of summer– there are sparks everywhere. a summer romance may just be possible for this winter shut-in after all.

benjamin and i met on friday night for a group outing with our mutual friends. we had a lovely night, and after a couple cocktails, a few games of pool and one incredibly cheesy scary movie, i knew i was into him.

sweet, smart, gorgeous and polite– a true gentleman. we didn't even exchange numbers or kiss good night– just a simple hug with a promise of seeing each other soon. a few email exchanges at the start of this week proves that "soon" may in fact be "this weekend."

whether this new friendship blossoms into a romance, or whether it just stays where it's at, i have no idea– but i'm loving the innocence of it all.

old-fashioned chivalry and romance– makes me feel like a girl of 16 again.


kari.jackson said...

aww, keep me updated girl!!

angie said...

love it, love it, love it. :)