Saturday, November 22, 2008

excuses, excuses.

there are a lot of explanations for my absence, as i've been a busy woman these last few weeks. what have i been up to and why have i stayed away for so long? a few reasons.

1. new job with incredibly restrictive internet access.
2. new job which has me actually working 8-9 hour days.
3. new "boyfriend" (i use the term loosely as i'm dating a commitment-phobe rockstar..... which has opened a whole new set of issues for my therapist and me to discuss).
4. re-living the glory days of my 21st year, i.e. transforming myself into a nonstop social butterfly. which, at 26, has given me dark circles and a nasty cold i just can't overcome.

so, there you have it. if you told me i'd be at this very place when i began the blog in april, i might have laughed at you. dating a rocker?? working in the finance world?? and, most surprising of all, taking public transportation and crossing over into the "other city" (otherwise known as st. paul)???

so weird. yet so, so wonderful.

stay tuned.................................

1 comment:

kari.jackson said...

LOVED your cute Christmas card. you and jackie roomies now?
hope you're bloggin again soon :o)
(how is the new job?)