Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the hills: minneapolis

last night, during dinner (and before the hills), my roommate and i were discussing the latest drama in our lives. (what can i say, the hills just gets us all hot and bothered for this kind of conversation.) not surprisingly for two single girls such as ourselves, most drama in our lives revolves around men.

case and point:
on saturday night, just as i was blissfully falling asleep after a fabulous night spent uptown, the new potential in my life; a rocker covered in tattoos– edgy, but with an incredibly sweet and engaging personality; texted me. up until that point, our relationship had been completely platonic. but after numerous flirtatious texts between us, it became quite obvious we were stepping it up to the next level. we made tentative plans for sunday night and around 3am, i finally fell asleep, with a huge smile across my face.

enter sunday morning, and work at 9am. after a week spent moving and a weekend spent working early and staying out late, i was ready to crash by 4pm. i sent rocker a brief text explaining my situation (i.e. my needing to be in bed watching E! by 6pm) and asked if i could take a raincheck.

his response?

"i suppose. just let me know what works for you and i will see what i can do."

my gut reaction?

what the hell is with the ice? and why in the world is he acting so cold over a cancellation of tentative plans made over buzzed texts at 2am on saturday?

in other words– why the DRAMA?

which prompted my roommate to make a profound observation.

while in our society, women are made out to be the more dramatic of the sexes, it seems as though we are always dealing with dramatic men in one way or another in our lives. true, we hang out with a lot of gay men, but the majority of this drama comes from the men we are either romantically involved with, or on our way to becoming romantically involved with.

why is this? is it because straight men don't have each other to be dramatic with, therefore they take it out on their poor, unsuspecting romantic counterparts? is it because they think drama is something women are attracted to? or are they just secretly watching episodes of the hills late at night in bed?

either way, i'm not counting him out just yet (i can't help it, a man with half-sleeves and an acoustic guitar just gets to me), but he does get a few brownie points knocked off.

1 comment:

angie said...

wow. that WAS an... interesting... response. i'm sure his iciness is just his way of expressing his disappointment in not seeing you, though it's always more attractive when they're actually able to express their 'feelings' rather than be all passive aggressive about it. that, and he probably didn't want to feel vulnerable, so he smushed you a little.

sigh. the joys of the game.