Friday, October 10, 2008

leaving 20 groveland.

on wednesday, i am moving. leaving my first home in the city, and arguably, the first place i've had that truly feels like mine, like "home."

in thinking of how to "say goodbye" to my home via the blog, many sweet memories filled my mind.

those thoughts were interrupted early this morning as a man went slightly insane in the hallway of my building, screaming/yelling/banging/stomping. (think me locked in the bathroom with my cat frantically calling 911.)

perhaps it's not such a hard goodbye after all?

ah, but it is.

the screaming man, the pantsless dumpster diver, the pantsless corner market owner (seems to be quite the theme), they're all just a part of living in this city. in this city, on this street, that i've become so accustomed to. and now i'm leaving it.

leaving my first venture into the city to start my second one. leaving the only home leo's ever k
nown to show him a second one. leaving the place where i fell so madly in love, and so bitterly out of love. so many meals cooked, music played, tears shed, love made, and on wednesday, i will shut the door to it all, hand the keys over and start making new memories.

so, with that, i say– goodbye, 20 groveland. we had a good run. i believe we did the city proud
. and every time i drive down the street from here on out, i will smile at the memories of my twentysomething self giddy over her fabulous little apartment in her fabulous little city.

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